Starfinder | GEXCon Aug 31 - Sep 2 | Dulles Expo Center


Starfinder Blasts Off At GEXCon!


The science-fantasy hit roleplaying game is coming to GEXCON! The local Starfinder Society chapters will be running two tables of Starfinder at a time for tabletop and sci-fi enthusiasts who want to participate in organized play.

We will be hosting six separate Starfinder events throughout the weekend during each of our Paizo Blocks.

Friday: 5:30PM to 9:30PM
Saturday: 10:00AM to Midnight
Sunday: 1:00PM to 5:00PM

Sign-ups begin July 18th via Tabletop Events.

Got Questions? Need More Information? Reach out to our Tabletop Director, Grant Ellis, at

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